Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So my cousin has 2 little boys ages 4 and 7 months.  She just went back to work, and I've been watching her kids while she figures out a permanent solution for them.  They are both as sweet as sugar, but the 4-year-old has got enough personality to go around.

The other day he was eating his highly nutritious lunch of mac n cheese and carrots, and when I thought he was all done, he asked for more mac n cheese.  My most responsible answer was, "I'll give you more carrots..."  to which he replied in his sassiest voice, "Well I'm not hungry!"  He sure told me.  humph. ;)


the 7 goddesses

These 7 goddesses share their wisdom with the rest of us. Click on their tabs above to learn their lessons and read their tips:

APHRODITE - goddess of love & beauty - this is you

NYX - goddess of night - lessons on wifery (is that a word?) and all things night time

LETO - goddess of motherhood - all things related to motherhood

DEMETER - goddess of food & harvest - and for that reason, my favorite. Find tried and true recipes here

HESTIA - goddess of hearth & home - on making your house a home

ATHENA - goddess of wisdom - making learning a lifelong journey (plus a killer book list)

ELPHIS - goddess of hope - cause we could all use a little more!

Good for a laugh

"My dad hates brownies when they're gone." -Hudson age 2


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