Monday, September 14, 2009

on problem-solving...

We've all got problems...what about solutions?

"It is easy to let ourselves get wrapped up in the problem, rather than focusing on the solution.  I've watched some people obsess with their problem so much, it's almost as if talking about it soothes them.  I suspect that's because problems are concrete; we can identify them easily and that provides the illusion of control.  The solution, on the other hand, is multi-faceted. 
It requires honesty, creativity, determination, patience and focus." - Eric Harr

If God has allowed us to go through trials, that probably means that He believes we have the power to find the solutions.  Let's spend today looking for the answers instead of focusing on the questions in our lives.  Happy Hunting! :)


the 7 goddesses

These 7 goddesses share their wisdom with the rest of us. Click on their tabs above to learn their lessons and read their tips:

APHRODITE - goddess of love & beauty - this is you

NYX - goddess of night - lessons on wifery (is that a word?) and all things night time

LETO - goddess of motherhood - all things related to motherhood

DEMETER - goddess of food & harvest - and for that reason, my favorite. Find tried and true recipes here

HESTIA - goddess of hearth & home - on making your house a home

ATHENA - goddess of wisdom - making learning a lifelong journey (plus a killer book list)

ELPHIS - goddess of hope - cause we could all use a little more!

Good for a laugh

"My dad hates brownies when they're gone." -Hudson age 2


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