Ya, so maybe that was a little high on drama. And who wants more drama? Not I, so lets pretend I didn't say that. Why don't I just delete it, you ask? Well because if I deleted that paragraph, then this paragraph wouldn't make any sense. Neither would the title of my post. Besides, I do what I want. :)
So at my house, I call housework "my chores". I didn't think that was weird until someone laughed at it, and I gave it another thought. I guess "chores" does sound like something I was assigned to do, that I don't want to do, by someone with authority to give me assignments, and I have to get it done before I can do anything I want. Huh...now that I put it that way, chores it is. I am smart!
Something I noticed a while back is that my chores weren't getting equal attention. I would vacuum the living room a few times a week, because I really don't mind vacuuming, but I would never make it to cleaning the kitchen floor - which - (hang on, I just threw up in my mouth a little) I H.A.T.E. And then by the time the week was over I had awesomely clean carpet (quite a feat with 2 pomeranians and a 6-month-old), and a dusty, dirty kitchen floor, among other things. It's just an example. What I really mean to say is that I was spending time doing obvious chores over and over, and missing some of the other ones.
So...I made myself a schedule. I was inspired by my best friend's mom, whose philosophy on keeping a clean house is to become OCD. Hah! Just kidding, it's not funny. She is totally OCD, and makes herself a schedule for the exact OPPOSITE reason that I do. She makes a schedule to keep herself from over cleaning. I do it to keep things hygienic around here. But I see her point. Let's get on with it.
Here is the schedule I made for myself. This is not my final draft, which I'm not sure I will ever get to, since I always seem to be changing things up to make it work.
Chore Schedule
Laundry - washing/drying
Monthly Rotation **more on this below
Laundry - folding/ironing
Give Jackson a bath
Kitchen Floor
Laundry Room Floor
Grocery Shopping
Weeding/Yard Work
Give Jackson a bath
**Monthly Rotations are chores that need done only monthly. I rotate by 1st Mon, 2nd Mon, etc.
Monthly Rotation Schedule:
1st Week:
Bathe/Brush Dogs
2nd Week:
Clean Laundry Room
3rd Week:
Cut Jeff's hair
4th Week:
And then of course there are the daily items - dishes, straightening up, making my bed and everything else that comes up in a day. The nice thing is that I feel like I can handle doing a few chores every day, and I know that everything is going to get taken care of. It makes me feel more in control and gives me more time to do whatever I want because I don't feel like I have to clean the whole house every day. I can be okay with doing just a little, then moving on to my lists and lists of projects.
For example, if on Monday I see that the bathroom is especially messy, I can tell myself to let it go, because it's on the schedule for Wednesday. All I have to worry about on Monday is laundry. I mean, I'm not saying that if my dog harfs on the laundry room floor that I'm not going to clean it up unless it's a Thursday, or that my son isn't going to get a bath if he's especially stinky on a Monday. Buuut, if he's a little messier than usual on a Tuesday night, I might give myself some time off and wait a day, know what I mean?
Anyway, I don't know if something like this will work for you, but give it a whirl. Oh - and a hint: If I miss something one day, I never make up for it the next day. It will get taken care of the next time around. See what you think
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